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There are four main refrigeration systems: static, low frost, frost free and total no frost. The type of system can affect the shelf life of the food and the amount of space available for storage too.

Which ever refrigeration system you choose, you can be confident that your Iceking product will be as energy efficient as possible.


Iceking products are either static or Frost Free.


Static refers to the freezer only. If the unit is a fridge freezer, the fridge will automatically defrost.

Metal elements sit between each freezer compartment and cool down to reach the required freezing temperature.

As the appliance is used, ice will naturally build up. Ice is created by the freezing of water vapour that comes from food and from the air that enters the appliance when the door is open.

The more the freezer is used (i.e. the door is opened), the quicker the build up of ice will be. Over time, this means there will be a loss of volume (and essentially space for your food). It is recommended that the freezer is defrosted when ice is over 5mm thick.

This type of freezer will need to be defrosted manually.


How to carry out a manual defrost

  1. Take out all removable parts, such as drawers and flaps.
  2. Place an old towel at the bottom of the freezer and another on the floor in front of the freezer to catch the melted ice.
  3. Leave until all of the ice has melted, then wipe the inside of the freezer with a clean dry cloth.
  4. Replace all the parts and close the door.

To speed up the process, a plastic bowl of warm water can be placed on the middle shelf of the freezer and then the door closed. If a plastic scraper is provided, this can be used to scrape excess ice. Do not ever use anything metal, pointed or sharp to defrost a freezer as it can cause damage.


Frost Free

In a Frost Free system, ice forms in the back of the freezer and is circulated around the freezer by a fan, giving even cooling across the whole compartment.

This allows for faster and more efficient freezing.

The element is in the back of the freezer, which means there is no loss of space. With normal running conditions and correct usage, the freezer will automatically defrost itself on a cycle. This means no build up of ice, eliminating the need to defrost.

To maintain these conditions, it is important that food is stacked evenly inside the freezer and that the door being left open is kept to a minimum.

Frost Free refrigeration can cost slightly more to run.

View our Frost Free products

Wet Wall Fridge

The above mentioned systems will have an automatic defrost fridge, otherwise known as a ‘wet wall’ fridge. Water/ frost/ ice on the back wall is completely normal and is a sign that the fridge is doing its job.

The evaporator in the back of the fridge will constantly freeze, forming frost/ ice droplets on the back wall of the fridge. Once at the required temperature, it will automatically defrost causing the frost/ ice to defrost. These droplets will run down the back wall to a defrost channel.

If water is found on food or shelves, it is likely that produce has been placed touching the back wall. To avoid this, simply make sure that there is space between food and the back wall.

Chest Freezers

Our current Chest Freezers* can be used in ambient temperatures of 0°c to -15°c. This means that they are safe to use in garages and outbuildings where the temperature may reach these lower levels.

View our Chest Freezer products

*all products with model numbers that end .E